Monday 27 September 2010

TAXI - 1998


TAXI (1998)

"In Marseilles (France), skilled pizza delivery boy Daniel who drives a scooter finally has his dreams come true. He gets a taxi license. Caught by the
police for a huge speed infraction, he will help Emilien, a loser inspector who can't drive, on the track of German bank robbers, so he doesn't lose
his license and his dream job."


Daniel is a pizza delivery boy the main protagonist of the movie in fact i take it back i think there is probably no one person who takes the lead everybody plays their part,not to mention the super-cool,super-fast taxi which magically transforms from a simple taxi to a ferrari like speed demon wielded ably by daniel.

After 6 yrs Daniel finally quits his job of delivering pizza and acquires a license to drive his favorite 'Taxi'.Daniel is such an expert driver that when he is driving at full speed the police cant even see his license plates.

Emileen is an inspector who cant seem to do anything right;he is always mocked by his peers but somehow manages to trick Daniel in the act of speeding and blackmails him into helping him catch a notorius gang that is on a bank robbing spree.Since the gang operates using a couple of Mercedes, Emileen thinks Daniel who is an expert with cars can be useful and wants to desperately crack the case so that he can win over the affections of 'petra' a smouldering hot german sergeant who isn't impressed easily.

Daniel has to not only help Emileen nab the robbers but also make up with his girlfriend 'Lily' who is upset about not being able to spend much time with Daniel.
How he does that is the movie itself so i wont spoil it for you.

The movie has lots of funny lines that keep you in splits throughout its duration.
Here are some:

Scene: Pizza delivery boy being chased by police stops at traffic signal to take a jibe at them
"Hey girls,still wearing a moustache"
Scene: Daniel is driving a passenger at 217 km/hr.Passenger is sweating all over with fear
Passenger to Daniel:"if we are not going to make it,maybe we should take our time."
Daniel to passenger : "Dont worry we are going slow now but will speed up on the highway"
Scene: Emileen gets into Daniles car for the first time
Emileen to Daniel :"Dont drive too fast the speed limit on sign board says 50"
Daniel to Emileen : "I thought those sign boards were for skateboards"
Scene: Daniel and Emileen trap the Mercedes gang on a broken flyover
Daniel to Gang:"Big hare not too happy to be f***ed by little tortoise"

Even the nicknames used by the police are ridiculously funny " tiny snakes and cobras"

When i began watching the movie really didnt have much expectation from it but to my surprise it turned out to be a really enjoyable exercise.I really enjoyed the character of Daniel who portrays a guy that believes in making his own rules and is never short of smart remarks.Emileen supports him ably and provides for a lot of funny moments in the movie.

The cinematography is excellent especially during the high speed car race sequence where just like on a roller-coaster you really get to feel the thrill of the chase. Petra and Lily provide the glamour quotient so the movie has a little bit of everything,action,comedy,romance,thrill and even a formula 1 race.

I guess the movie was so successful that a sequel was made in the year 2000 followed by 2 more in 2003 & 2007 completing a quadrology.Will try to do a review of those when i get the time.

Here is a trailer of the Movie


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